********July 23-26, 2020 Next Mass REUNION ********

   Important Information regarding the Website:

Since this website was created in 2019, there have been pages that have shown the words "NOT SECURE" and this caused some classmates to decide not to join, even though the pages that showed any personal information were always secure. 

On 2/23/21 Class Creator was able to offer each of their clients a "Security Certificate" which the Alumni Association Committee purchased. This coverage assures that ALL website information is now secure.  

We hope that you will spread the word to all of your classmates who have not joined the website.

Let us know if you have questions and thank you everyone who has joined.  We look forward to getting our next reunion scheduled and seeing you in Albuquerque in 2022.



Los Alamos Alumni/Reunion Committee and Website Administrators



Information on Multi Class Reunions


Did you know that…………

Proceeds from the reunion go to the LAHS Alumni Association scholarship fund.  Annually the association awards a $3000 scholarship to a graduating LAHS senior.  The scholarship can be used for the graduate’s continuing education whether for college or vocational training.

The LAHS alumni association reunions would not be possible without a group of dedicated alumni including board officers, members, and volunteers.  These are people from different areas of New Mexico and throughout the country who commit their time and talents to provide a successful reunion.  The planning for the 2020 reunion began three months after the 2015 reunion.

Many of these volunteers have served on the board and/or the reunion committee for years, some of whom have been involved since the first reunion was held in 1990.  Volunteer’s responsibilities include website development and administration, securing a venue, registration, entertainment, and class photos.  In addition to reunion preparation activities, the scholarship committee annually reviews all LAHS alumni association scholarship applications to determine the recipient. 

Association changes since the 2015 reunion

Since the first multi-year reunion in 1990 the basic structure of the reunion has remained the same.  With the 2020 reunion there have been changes to the alumni website, registration, pricing, and opening up the reunion to any graduate from 1944 to the present.


For the first time the LAHS alumni website has been significantly updated to include the names and photos of alumni from 1944 to 2018 and the ability for registered alumni to keep up to date with each other through a secure system that does not reveal any alumni personal email addresses. Alumni are able to update their profiles with contemporary photos and personal information.

Through the donation page you can donate directly to the scholarship fund and/or the fund that provides monetary assistance to those alumni who might not otherwise attend the reunion.



LAHS Alumni Committee

as of 12/4/19


Committe members are: 

Juanita Ruiz Miguel '61 (Past President/Advisor) 

Ken Hanks '59 (Past President/Tennis)               

Jeannette  Kinker '68 (President/Hotel)

 Dottie Smith MacVeigh '68   (Secretary/ Registration) 

Betty Anne Mullins Pacheco '68 (Treasurer/Web Site Administrator)

Jean Kinker Sena '72 (Hotel/Registration)              

Michele Lang Buchanan '63 (Class Get Togethers)

Don Marchi '60 (Entertainment)

Peggy C'de Baca Atencio '63 (Class Photos)                     

Jae Riebe '63   (Registration) 

Mary McNeese Montoya '61 (Registration)

Lynn Davis Loss '61 (Programs)

Bob Hicks '70 ( Research Web Site Administrator)

Viki Gore Liparato '66 (Scholarship/ Web Site Administrator)                                       

  Liz Rutherford '64 (Scholarship)                

  Lavelle Calvert Martin '66 (Scholarship)                      

Rebecca Fellers Jones  (LAHS faculty/Scholarship)