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Esteban Abeyta (2015)
Pat Abeyta (Christenson) (1971)
Mark Albertson (1975)
David Allen (1958)
Keith Arbtin (1965)
Jimmy Archer (1990)
Alex Baker (1999)
Bill Banks (1964)
Julie Elizabeth Bar… (1993)
Craig Bender (1969)
Daniel W Bergstein (1989)
Geoffrey Black (1979)
Jerry Black (1959)
Wanda Brown (McConnell) (1954)
Richard Bueschel (Bueschel) (1966)
Catherine A Callaghan (Nelson) (1957)
Virginia A. Calvin (1967)
Miki Carlson (Orheim) (1965)
Constance L. "Connie" Chapman (1964)
Carl Christensen (1969)
Carl Christenson (1968)
Nancy Clark (Howard) (1962)
Diane Clow (Weber) (1963)
Jason Collins (1977)
Louis Contreras (1973)
Thomas James Cook (1967)
Dennis George Cooley (1962)
Ansley Coon (Manke) (1976)
Marie Deem (Bilinski) (1962)
Kim Demuth (1973)
Manuel G. "Chico" Diaz (1967)
Mary Diven (1971)
Travis Dulany (2004)
Sharman Edeskuty (Carpenter) (1972)
Joanne Elliott (Rochester) (1964)
Michal Felio (Van Gent) (1983)
Eddie Garcia (1960)
Frank Garcia (1973)
Cheryl Garinger (Casados) (1963)
Mason Gerety (1976)
Glinn (Ryan) Gilbert (1966)
Betty Gregersen (Chapman) (1960)
Tom Grothus (1972)
Linda M. Halliday (1967)
Bill Hamlin (1968)
Colleen Hamlin (Gilbert) (1971)
Abbie Holden (Mejia) (2005)
Jim Horton (1972)
Jo Marie Horton (1971)
Carol Johnson (Forehand) (1987)
Katrina Johnson (Kjetland…) (1981)
Marty (Martin) Johnson (1977)
Robert Johnson (1958)
Robin Jones (McLoud) (1990)
Barbara Sue Jordan (1965)
Ardis Elizabeth Keepin (Davis) (1970)
Jim Kelly (1959)
Paula Kennedy (Price) (1973)
Debbie Kerr (Leep) (1965)
Valerie Lane (1964)
Sean Keith Lanter (1970)
Barbara G. Leland (1967)
Doug Lora (1979)
Terry Alan Lyle (1970)
Maryann Marlette (Browning) (1962)
Mardella Martinez (Rowland) (1971)
Robert Martinez (1963)
Jeffery Mather (1976)
Amanda McClelland (Huggard) (2001)
Pamela McCracken (Colleen) (1964)
Deborah Meadows (1969)
Diane Mench (Cuthbertson) (1965)
Gail Miller (Zard) (1969)
Karen Milliman (St. C…) (1973)
Gaylord Mingo (1956)
Kirsten Mjolsness (Vander…) (1979)
Mary Moore-Williams (1954)
Michael E. Moulton (1967)
Chris Munno (Bezezekoff) (1969)
Paul Edward Munno (1965)
Thomas Munyon (1969)
Linnea Nelson (Garlock) (1978)
John Newcom (1971)
Joseph (Rick) Nichols II (1966)
Jim Nielson (1963)
Elizabeth (Liz) Norman (DeNiro) (1964)
Jo Grace Oakes (Buck) (1968)
Jean Ogle (Yabroff) (1966)
Mel O'Neal (1969)
Jeremyah Palmer-Scott (2019)
Cydne Denise Pinkston (Cochran) (1978)
Terry Pisel (1973)
Don Quackenbush (1964)
Mike Quintana (1968)
Mary Carolyn Rile (Texidor) (1970)
Phil Rink (1978)
Laura Root (1989)
Sheila H. Ross (Terry) (1967)
Steve Roth (1978)
Mary Royer (David) (1965)
Wendy Ruppel (1978)
William J Schlaer (1957)
Willliam Sedlacek (2013)
Vicki Slavik (Brasel) (1968)
Weston Soenke (2019)
Dianna Sprouse (Berg) (1964)
Nancy Sprouse (Rouillard) (1961)
Stephen St Clair (1965)
Bryan St. Clair (St. Clair) (1973)
Paul D. Stephenson (1967)
Gerald Stone (1960)
Susan Stone (1974)
Ronald "Ron" Tinsley (1953)
William "Tim" Todd (1981)
Kathy Torrey (Killoran) (1964)
Jesse Trujillo (1956)
Peter Wallis (1959)
Christine Weaver (1965)
Nathan White (1990)
Renee Woodwell (Serreze) (1971)
Renee Workman (1981)
William (Bill) Wykoff (1966)
Doug York (1969)