Classmate Profiles (1953)

     User has created a profile: 6
     In Memory: 44
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 43
     Military Service: 16
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Ramona Isabel Alarid* (Wil…)    
Carol L Atencio
Charles W. Badsgard     
Doris Bates
Marilyn Bequette (Ryan)
Bob Bergstresser
James N Bond    
Marilyn Bowen (Leech)    
Susan Brooks (Green)
William T Brooks     
Don Bucher
Dewitt Burrow    
Clifford Carrier    
Kenneth Carrigan     
John Chamberlin     
Cherie Chase
Mariwyn Kathryn “Mo” Clow    
Barry "Heacock" Coe    
Ilah Coffee Merriman
Diana Coffinberry (Johnson)   
Sharon Lee Cooper (Anchondo)
Jim Cope
Frances Cox (McNamee)
Charles Crawford   
Ted Crawford    
Elizabeth Curtis (Kras)
Barbara Davis (Anstey)
Marion Davis
JoNell "Jody" Downs (Abbott)    
Charles Doyle
William Dunning
Sherrill Joan Eckhouse
Betty Edwards (Foster)    
Phyllis Foshee (Laws)  
Philip Freshwater    
Barbara Frisch
Fred Fulgenzi
Rachel Garcia (Martinez)
Dave Gay
Kenneth Gillespie
Stephanie "Fannie" Gonzales (Cruz)
Marilyn "Joyce" Goodin (Johnson)
Harry Cliff Goodson III     
Don Greene
Jana Haley    
Forrest Hand
Robia Hanks (Grim)     
Eddie Van Harrison*    
James R. (Jim) Humphrey    
Robert Lee Irelan     
James D Jacques
Jacqueline "Jackie" Jenkins    
David Keddy    
Timmye Sue Keener (Anderson)    
Lois Kerns (Olcott)
John Alvin "Jack" Kimber    
Keith Sheldon Kimber    
Robert King
William Nobel Kirkpatric    
Nancy Lee Laughlin
Lewis Luchs   
Mary Elizabeth Lyon (Russell)   
Richard Kimball Lyon    
Jacqueline Maher
Jim McCawley
Leslie "Les" McClendon     
Adolph J Miera
Ann Mikkelson (Sparks)
Harry Miley
Robert Lewis Mitchell     
Edna V Montoya
Denise Naranjo (Osvath)
Tony Naranjo
Beverly Sue Nevins
Gretchen Noth (Goldsteine)    
Bill Ogren    
J. M. "Manny" Olivas     
Kathy Pederson
Karen Peterson    
Philip "John" Quackenbush    
Gary Raper    
Daniel Reif
John H Rose
Ed Rourke
Gordon Edward Ryan     
Helen Priscilla Saiz    
Clara Sandoval (Garcia)
Lee Schneider
Shirleene Scullawl (Westerhold)
Rosemary Sherrod
Jesse Joseph "Joe" S…     
Bob Stallings    
Beverly Stiteler (McLaughlin)
Lewis Stout  
Patricia Sullivan (Jones)
Meredith Taylor (Allums)
Ronald "Ron" Tinsley    
Daniel Torres     
Charlene Turner
Joan Van Buskirk (Cameron)
Louella Leora Vigil (Luna)
Charles "Gene" Westerhold    
Elspeth "Spiffy" White
Robert "Bob" Whitis
Melvin H Wilson    
Richard Kermit Worthington    

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